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Need of writing editor software

You’ve written your manuscript, your friends and family have read it and say it’s wonderful, and you’ve decided to self-publish it. But did you know that nearly 200,000 books were published last year? What will happen to your book when it’s finally published? Do you want to learn more? Visit writing editor software.

For one thing, it’ll show up in online searches — if you publish through Amazon it’ll quite easily show up in an Amazon search, and you can even include it in the “Search inside the book” program. But what happens when people look inside the book? Will they be drawn in, will they be interested enough to actually spend money? Book sales have declined precipitously over the last couple of years, and money is tight for most people; book purchases are such a luxury now.

One thing you can do to help your book is to have it professionally edited. At a bare minimum, hiring a proofreader to ensure that there are no typos, no instances of poor grammar, etc., will help it stand up alongside books that went through a professional publisher; those books receive a lot of attention and care, and the content reflects that. If possible, commissioning a deeper edit will help your book even more; it can be surprising, even to seasoned authors, how much their words are improved by intelligent editing.

Your work is not done once the book is published, if you hope for sales. In the glory days (even a few years ago), publishers had marketing and promotions budgets for their books, and could sponsor readings, book tours, promotional efforts, to help bring their books to the attention of potential readers. Those days are over, and the bulk of marketing and promotion falls on the shoulders of authors. If you are self-publishing, that burden is entirely yours. If your goal is simply to say that you’ve published a book, perhaps it doesn’t matter if your book sells.

For most authors, however, sales do matter. Few people get rich from publishing books, but sales mean that people are buying your book, that people want to read it — perhaps even that people do read it. Self-published authors have a lot of work to do to get attention for their work. A full-service editor can be of great assistance.

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